Friday, September 9, 2011


He walks up,
She saunts away
He'll have to ask her
Some other day.

He perseveres
She carries fears
that he'll find out if
he gets too near.

He finds out
She runs away
he gets on his  knees
and begs her to stay.

She's terrified
He knows why
but he won't back off
Until he's satisfied.

He states he loves her
no matter what
secret she carries,
as she covers her cuts

They're stripes down her wrists,
that she keeps so quiet
he notices them, he knows
he can't deny it

The one he loves most
is the hardest girl to have
as he strokes her wrists
and caresses her calves

He holds her in his lap
as she turns away
and kisses her forehead
to keep the sadness at bay.

He states he still loves her
he'll help her get through it
through the good and bad times
throught future and present

She accepts his love
and throughout their lives
they stick together
for all of time.

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